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States in USA and abberivation

State/Possession                 Abbreviation

ALABAMA                          AL
ALASKA                           AK
AMERICAN SAMOA                   AS
ARIZONA                          AZ
ARKANSAS                         AR
CALIFORNIA                       CA
COLORADO                         CO
CONNECTICUT                      CT
DELAWARE                         DE
FLORIDA                          FL
GEORGIA                          GA
GUAM                             GU
HAWAII                           HI
IDAHO                            ID
ILLINOIS                         IL
INDIANA                          IN
IOWA                             IA
KANSAS                           KS
KENTUCKY                         KY
LOUISIANA                        LA
MAINE                            ME
MARSHALL ISLANDS                 MH
MARYLAND                         MD
MASSACHUSETTS                    MA
MICHIGAN                         MI
MINNESOTA                        MN
MISSISSIPPI                      MS
MISSOURI                         MO
MONTANA                          MT
NEBRASKA                         NE
NEVADA                           NV
NEW HAMPSHIRE                    NH
NEW JERSEY                       NJ
NEW MEXICO                       NM
NEW YORK                         NY
NORTH CAROLINA                   NC
NORTH DAKOTA                     ND
OHIO                             OH
OKLAHOMA                         OK
OREGON                           OR
PALAU                            PW
PENNSYLVANIA                     PA
PUERTO RICO                      PR
RHODE ISLAND                     RI
SOUTH CAROLINA                   SC
SOUTH DAKOTA                     SD
TENNESSEE                        TN
TEXAS                            TX
UTAH                             UT
VERMONT                          VT
VIRGIN ISLANDS                   VI
VIRGINIA                         VA
WASHINGTON                       WA
WEST VIRGINIA                    WV
WISCONSIN                        WI
WYOMING                          WY

Military "State"                Abbreviation

Armed Forces Africa              AE
Armed Forces Americas            AA
(except Canada)
Armed Forces Canada              AE
Armed Forces Europe              AE
Armed Forces Middle East         AE
Armed Forces Pacific             AP


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