Also your documentation needs to explain why the services
required more/less/stopped services in midway.
You should be very careful when
you use modifier 22, 52&53.
Modifier 22:
Description: Service
that required significantly greater effort than typically required.
Increased procedural
services, this modifier used when you update it means physician performing the
service more than the actual requirement, as mentioned above you need to have
supporting documentation to get paid. Also we cannot use this modifier for
E&M services and with 63 modifiers. In below scenario you can use this modifier.
Patient condition
Physical effort
Mental effort
Time and Technical difficulty
Modifier 52:
Description: Reduced
Reduced services, this
modifier used when services is reduces / practically stopped than the actual requirement,
you need to have documentation for modifier 52 for claim to be get paid. Again we
cannot use the modifier with E&M services. In the below scenario you can
use modifier 52.
Some surgery requires
other surgeon to perform the part of the surgery that time you can use this
Modifier 53:
Description: Discontinued
procedure, this modifier used when the services discontinued, this modifier should
be used for a Surgical or diagnostic procedure code when the physician elects
to terminate the procedure. We need to have supporting document for use the
modifier 53. Also we cannot use the modifier with E&M procedure.
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