Herewith we have listed the Medicare Part A & B
Deductible, Coinsurance, and premium details for 2014 as follows.

2014 Part A
Deductible $1216.00
$304.00 a day for 61st – 90th day
$608.00 a day for 91st – 150th day
(Life time reserve days)
$152.00 a day for 21st -100th day (
Skilled Nursing Facility coinsurance)
Base Premium
$426.00 a month
BP with 10% Surcharge
$468.60 a month
BP with 45 % reduction
$234.00 month (For those who have 30-39 quarters of
BP with 45% reduction and 10% surcharge
$257.40 a month
Standard Premium
$104.90 a month
PART B Deductible for 2014 – $147 a year
Pro rata data amount
$114.99 1st month
32.01 2nd month
Co Insurance 20%
Medicaid pays $X, Medicare pays $Y, private insurance pays $A, B, C. ad infinitum for drugs and treatments. But, we expect an informed citizenry. No chance of that. That is why we need a single payer system. There is no "market" for health care because no consumer can possibly shop for drugs or care or understand billings. It's called FRAUD.