The purpose of this complex review is to ensure accurate reporting of CPT code 95165 (preparation and provision of antigens for allergen immunotherapy).
to bill 95165
Example if the provider determines that a patient requires a series of 10 1-cc doses and prepares a 10-cc, same visit he or she injects the first dose. Code 95115 (professional services for allergen immunotherapy not including provision of allergenic extracts; single injection) is billed for the injection and 95165 is also reported, with a "10" in the units box to indicate that 10 doses were prepared. For the remaining nine injections, only 95115 would be coded. For off-the-board antigen preparation, 95115 is billed along with one unit only of 95165.
some of the billing offices completely not understand on billing 95165, kindly review
Medicare and coding guidance before billing 95165 to insurance.
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