According to Novitas :
This tool provides the status of Part A and B Appeal requests.
you have entered your search criteria (defined below), click on "Submit
Query". Do not hit the enter key. Search results are based on exact
matches of the input criteria. Please ensure you enter search data
exactly as it appears on your remittance advice or voiced from the IVR.
You may not receive the results you are looking for if you submitted a multiple claim appeal using only one Redetermination form. The case pending in our processing system will reference only one of the claim numbers.
For multiple claim cases submitted with one Redetermination form it is suggested to search using only the PTAN.
you submitted a Redetermination request form and did not provide a
claim number the case pending in our processing system will not
reference a claim number initially. If you search using only the PTAN,
you will see an open case, the receipt data and the status but it may
not reference an ICN.
Redeterminations will be
completed within 60 days of receipt of the request unless additional
documentation is submitted by the provider/supplier and received by
Novitas prior to issuance of the dismissal and/or decision notice.
Part A Search Criteria:
Issued February 3, 2014 – Novitas Solutions is in the process of
implementing a new Medicare Appeal Processing System. As efforts are
underway to re-direct the Appeals Status tool to the new processing
system, current receipts will not be returned on your query until March
1, 2014.
Case Control Number (CCN) – displays status for a specific Appeal request
Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN) – displays status for all Appeals submitted by this PTAN for the past year.
Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN) and Document Control Number
(DCN) - display status of Appeal requested for a specific case
Please note that 1 year of history will be available.
Each Part A response will include the following information:
Date the case was received
Case Control Number (CCN)
Type of Case – The Part A tracking system uses the same case number for
all case types, therefore type is provided to differentiate.
Status of Case – Pending or finalized
Closed date of case if finalized
Document Control Number/claim number (DCN)
Part B Search Criteria:
Case Control Number (CCN) – displays status for a specific Appeal request
Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN) – displays status for all Appeals submitted by this PTAN for the past year.
Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN) and Internal Control Number
(ICN) - display status of Appeal requested for a specific claim.
Each Part B response will include the following information:
Date the case was received
Correspondence Control Number (CCN)
Status of case – pending or finalized
Closed date of case if finalized
Internal Control Number (ICN) for claim in question
Field Definitions:
(*) = required field
Case Control Number (CCN) – This is a 13 digit number assigned to the Appeal request.
Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN) - The number assigned by the Medicare
Administrative Contractor (MAC) that is used by the MCS system to process claims.
Document Control Number (DCN) – This is a 13 digit number assigned to
the Part A claim during the initial processing, found on your remittance
statement or voiced in the IVR.
Internal Control Number (ICN) - The 13 digit number assigned to the
claim during initial processing, found on your remittance statement or
voiced in the IVR.
Currently, Appeals may not be entered in the Appeals Status Tool as
expected. Therefore, using this tool may not be an accurate method to
determine if an Appeal request has been received by Novitas. Please do
not resubmit Appeal(s) or call the Customer Contact Center repeatedly as
these actions compound problems.
Please click on below link to get the Appeals Inquiry Status Tool
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